Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Mouse Computer Gaming PC NEXTGEAR i640GA1 Price in Pakistan

Mouse Computer has once again expanded its gaming PC line-up by launching the NEXTGEAR i640GA1. As part of the G-Tune series, the system is equipped with a 3.60GHz Intel Core i7-4790 processor, an Intel Z97 Express Chipset, an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 3GB graphics card, a 16GB DDR3 RAM, a 512GB SSD (PLEXTOR M6e Series), a 2TB hard drive, a DVD Super Multi Drive, a multi-card reader, a 700W 80PLUS GOLD power supply and runs on Windows 8.1 64-bit OS. The NEXTGEAR i640GA1 sells for 249,800 Yen (about $2,444).


PC gaming suddenly hot at CES 2014

LAS VEGAS -- While the computer category itself was overshadowed at CES 2014 by flexible TVs and high-tech wristbands , there was one unexpected bright spot -- some inventive new ideas about PC gaming.
With the next generation of living-room consoles only a few months old, it would be easy to put PC gaming on the back burner for a while, but companies at CES are instead taking some inventive, forward-thinking approaches to this decades-old category.
PC gaming in the living room
The biggest is probably Valve's lineup of Steam Machine hardware . The concept is for a compact gaming PC that runs the app-specific Steam OS to play games from Steam's huge PC game library on a living-room TV. New for CES 2014 was a list of the first wave of PC hardware partners actually making the Steam Machine hardware, including Alienware , Origin PC , and Falcon Northwest .
Some of these machines will be simple Steam OS set-top boxes, while others are (more expensive) small-chassis gaming PCs that will also dual-boot into Windows. The entire Steam Machine concept and ecosystem is still unproven, but it has the potential to really disrupt PC gaming, especially when combined with Valve's inventive new PC game controller.
Immersive virtual worlds
Another piece of new PC gaming technology that thinks bigger than new video cards and CPUs is the Oculus Rift. This set of stereoscopic 3D goggles has been through several prototype versions over the past couple of years (I first tried the Rift in 2012), but the version on display at CES 2014 takes a big step forward, adding new positional tracking, thanks to an external Webcam.
Getting hands (or eyes) on with it again, the generation-to-generation change is impressive. Turning around in your chair and looking behind you to reveal a panoramic virtual world while wearing the headset was unexpectedly mind-blowing. When will a consumer version be ready? What games will support it? What will the PC hardware requirements be? The list of questions about Oculus is just as big as its potential.
Modular gaming PCs
Razer had an unexpected prototype on the show floor. Project Christine is a concept for a modular gaming PC, in which graphics cards, processors, and hard drives all sit in uniform capsules and swap in and out of a larger frame.
It's an interesting concept, but would require a lot of reverse engineering to make practical for off-the-shelf components. Still, Razer has previously impressed with its initial steps into gaming laptops , and the company is not afraid to take risks.
Origin PC is also breaking from PC gaming desktop tradition with its new Genesis and Millennium systems. This is the first custom-designed desktop case from the company, which had previously used the same off-the-shelf chassis as other boutique PC makers.

Next-gen computer tech (E63)

They’re in front of every office worker 9 hours a day, and miniaturized versions are always in our pockets: Computers and the microelectronics inside them are an inescapable part of modern life. Check out the latest developments on Technology Update this month, starting with some of the world’s speediest supercomputers and novel cooling systems that double energy efficiency. Then, get the inside scoop on a new kind of memory device that could hold the key to unlocking truly intelligent artificial life. And get a glimpse of two new processors that challenge the dominant architectures, and offer nearly unmatched performance.


All about 4chan, the 'best and worst' of internet

SAN FRANCISCO: 4chan's roots date back to a pre-Facebook age of the internet, where anonymity ruled and rules were few to come by. Hackers deposited nude celebrity photos on the site over the summer. It's also the birthplace of the hacker collective Anonymous, along with countless funny internet memes and harmless pranks on celebrities. It's been called a home to cyberbullying as well as do-gooder vigilante justice.

And tucked in a dark corner of the site are images not at all like the polished vacation photos on Instagram and adorable baby snapshots on Facebook. Here, you'll find close-ups of genitals, lots and lots of breasts, and a post on why one should never marry a woman who isn't a virgin. There are also images of a dead woman, splayed naked on a bare mattress, mouth agape, with a deep red mark around her neck. Authorities say slaying suspect David Kalac posted the pictures and wrote accompanying posts about strangling the woman and wanting to be fatally shot by police.

"Often dismissed as little more than a gang of anonymous bullies, there is some truth to the notion that the site is simultaneously the best and worst of the internet," journalist Sean Bonner wrote on BoingBoing.net in 2010 in a story about 4chan helping track down a woman who put a living cat in a trash bin.

Some questions and answers about 4chan:

How did 4chan start?
The site was born in 2003, a year before Facebook, as an image and message board in the style of a similar Japanese board called 2chan, or Futaba. The identity of its 15-year-old founder, Christopher Poole, became widely known after he gave an interview to The Wall Street Journal in 2008 in an article titled "Modest Web Site Is Behind a Bevy of Memes."

Poole wanted to create a version on 2chan for American audiences to share his fascination with Japanese comics and television shows, the Journal said.

Soon, the site grew well beyond anime and manga, thanks in large part to the fact that it allows users to be anonymous. It became a place for people to share images and discuss common interests, from TV shows to computer science to pornography. At a time when Facebook, Google and to some extent Twitter are pushing people to share their real identities, 4chan lets users post without giving a name or even an email address, adding to its appeal.

Why does 4chan allow graphic images to stay up?
4chan's rules prohibit people from posting things that violate US or local laws. It's also against the rules to visit the site if you are under 18. Users can report posts that violate 4chan's rules and there are moderators who can remove content. But the site prides itself in not censoring content just because it might offend some people.

"Generally the rules are as light as they can keep them," said Jim Hendler, a computer science professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York.

On the other hand, people do break 4chan's rules, but in general the site is "very skittish" about taking down content, said Rob D'Ovidio, an associate professor of criminal justice at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

"It is an environment where independence and user-created community is highly valued over strong editorial control," he said.

The posted photos of the woman's nude, lifeless body, while distasteful, don't violate any laws, D'Ovidio said.

"It's not like he stole crime scene photos," he said, referring to Kalac, who's accused of killing his live-in girlfriend. The pictures also don't violate copyright laws since he "technically owns the intellectual property." In essence, 4chan would have to decide to remove the images of its own volition, or be compelled to do so by law enforcement.

And even if 4chan were to remove the photos, chances are they would appear elsewhere on the site, or on the internet.

"Once the cat is out of the bag, it's difficult to rein it back in," D'Ovidio said.

What else is on 4Chan?
The site's "random" board gets the most notoriety, but it's just a "small part of a much larger entity," Hendler said.

"Despite the infamy, it really does some positive things. It creates community," he said, adding that 4chan remains very much user-focused in the most basic sense of the term. The site "wanted to stay most true to the notion that you could be anonymous, you could talk about whatever you wanted, that you could control the conversation."

Paul Levinson, professor of communications and media studies at Fordham University, called 4chan the "merry pranksters of the internet." In 2010, for example, users tried to send Justin Bieber to North Korea by flooding an online poll asking fans where the divisive singer should perform next. It did not work. 

Here Are The Top 10 Emerging Technologies For 2014

The World Economic Forum, famous for its annual Davos convention in Switzerland, has put out a new report identifying the top technological trends for the coming year.

"Technology has become perhaps the greatest agent of change in the modern world," writes WEF's Noubar Afeyan. "While never without risk, positive technological breakthroughs promise innovative solutions to the most pressing global challenges of our time, from resource scarcity to global environmental change."
"By highlighting the most important technological breakthroughs, the Council aims to raise awareness of their potential and contribute to closing gaps in investment, regulation and public understanding," he writes.
From wearable electronics to brain-computer interfaces, here are the big technologies to look out for this year.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

HP's see-through screen proposals secure US patent

HP ThruScreen concept design 

Hewlett Packard has been granted a US patent for its see-through screen technology.
The firm describes a system to create transparent displays that would allow users to see both the screen's computer graphics and the backdrop of the room or an object behind the device.
Possible uses include navigation data shown on vehicle windscreens and adverts shown on windows.
Samsung is also known to be working on similar technology.
Slat system The patent was filed in 2006 and describes using light-reflective slats to display images produced by a computer on a transparent screen while also allowing light from behind the device to shine through.
HP acknowledges that alternative see-through technology using angled half-silvered mirrors is already used by TV broadcasters in teleprompters to allow newsreaders to see text superimposed over camera lenses.
While such systems coped well with text or images formed by bright lines, HP said, they struggled with greyscale or full-colour graphics.
HP patent filing HP's patent filing suggests how both graphics and background objects could be seen at the same time
The firm said its proposal should overcome this problem and added that those behind the screen could also shown different images in order to overcome privacy concerns.
The patent's authors also suggested the user might opt to place the display directly against an object in order to superimpose information.
This could be a "chart, picture or other image," they wrote, "For example [the] see-through display may be placed upon a map so as to provide an observer with a navigation route."
They added that it might be advantageous to make such screens flexible so that they could be rolled away for storage.
Sci-fi props Although HP has yet to put this technology to use, it released videos last year showing concept designs provided to the makers of the movie Real Steel.
These included the ThruScreen, designed to allows descriptive data to appear over a scanned object held behind the device.
Another showed the HP Flex, a laptop computer whose screen allows a sports trainer to see live data about his team projected over his view of their performance.
The company is not the only one exploring the idea.
Samsung's mobile unit released a video last year showing an imagined transparent, bendable tablet computer that could be held over signs and objects to reveal more information about them.
HP Flex concept design The HP Flex allowed Hugh Jackman's character to monitor a robot boxer in the film Real Steel
The South Korean firm has also showed off a prototype laptop with a transparent OLED (organic light-emitting diode) screen, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
Potential profits One analyst who had been shown HP's work on the technology at its Palo Alto, California research lab said the firm was serious about the technology.
"HP has been working on trying to perfect this technology for about two decades," said Chris Green, principal technology analyst at Davies Murphy Group Europe.
"There's many real world applications, from augmented reality to displaying information on flat surfaces such as web browsers on windows or heads-up displays in cars.
"It may look gimmicky in the movies but there's huge financial potential in this if you can get the technology right and sell it for an acceptable price."


Analyzing the iMac 5K Retina display: How do you get 5K @ 60Hz from a last-gen GPU? (updated)

27-inch iMac with Retina 5K display - display only

Last week, Apple announced a new 27-inch iMac that packs an impressive 5K Retina display. As we’ve already detailed, these new 5K displays are thinner, cheaper, draw less power thanks to a more-efficient LED backlight, and, perhaps most importantly, Apple is selling the whole 27-inch iMac system at a mind-blowing price of $2500. That’s the same price tag on Dell’s 5K monitor.
Updated November 4: Sadly, it’s time for a mea culpa. On October 24 we mistakenly identified the iMac with 5K Retina display as having a 30Hz panel. The 27-inch iMac does indeed output 5K @ 60Hz — and to hit those kinds of frequencies, Apple used its own customized timing controller, rather than DisplayPort 1.2 (which can’t drive 5K @ 60Hz). More on that can be found further down the story.

Original story: A late-2014 display hooked to an early 2012 GPU

The GPU powering the 27-inch iMac with Retina 5K display is the R9 M290X, with the R9 M295X offered as an optional upgrade. The R9 M295X hasn’t technically been announced, but rumors from months back suggested this would be a Tonga-class GPU. Regardless, the R9 M290X is the minimum spec — and that chip is a rebranded HD 8970M, which was a rebranded HD 7970M, which is functionally equivalent to a desktop Radeon HD 7870.
In other words, the GPUs inside the new iMac are going to be limited to DisplayPort 1.2. That matters, because it takes roughly 17.2Gbps of bandwidth to drive a 4K @ 60 fps signal in a single stream (Single Stream Transport). To summarize the difference between SST and MST, an MST display creates two half-width tiles on the monitor and interleaves two different DisplayPort streams together to create a contiguous image, while an SST display functions like a standard monitor. MST and SST displays typically look identical in common applications, but some games support MST poorly, resulting in menus or functions crammed into half the monitor, or movies playing back in a squashed, half-width format.
Critically, however, MST is the only way to drive a larger-than-4K panel. DisplayPort 1.2 has just enough bandwidth to support a single 4K @ 60 fps SST stream, but 5K is far too large for the standard. When Apple talks about a 40-gigabit TCON, it may have designed a single TCON to output to two DP 1.2 streams — that’s not technically impossible — but it’s not being done with a single stream within the DP 1.2 spec.
Read: No, TV makers, 4K and UHD are not the same thing
Since Tonga doesn’t support HDMI 2.0 or DP 1.3 (which does support 5K SST), DP 1.2 is the only available standard to piggy-back. If Apple had somehow redesigned the TCON to compress a 5K stream into existing DisplayPort 1.2 bandwidth, it wouldn’t need a 40Gbps TCON in the first place. Anandtech notes that there’s another possibility — Apple may indeed have designed its own TCON, overclocked it, customized it for low overhead timing, and be pulling just enough bandwidth out of DP 1.2 to get it done.
Updated November 4: An iFixit teardown shows that Apple did indeed use a customized TCON — a modified Parade Technologies part using a non-standard 60-pin Embedded DisplayPort (eDP) connector (it’s usually just 40 pins). We’re not sure if Apple is using a variant of eDP 1.3, or some own Frankensteinian solution that combines two eDP 1.2 feeds — but in either case, there’s clearly enough bandwidth to drive a 5K display at 60Hz.
Rome 2
This kind of issue is common with MST — but did Apple overclock DP to hit higher bandwidths and avoid MST?
Either way, Apple would have to overclock the DisplayPort signal by 50-100% to hit the bandwidth it needs for 5K on single stream transport.

Refresh rates, gaming, and scaling

Many layers of the retina 27-inch iMac display
The many clever layers of the iMac with Retina display
Scaling is another potential issue — but Apple has always done this one better than Microsoft and 5120×2880 has exactly four times the pixels of the old 2560×1440 monitors, which should make scaling up relatively simple.
Finally, gaming — and here’s where the reality is going to bite. You aren’t going to be doing any gaming on a 5K display at anything like high detail levels. You may not even pull it off at low detail levels, and for a very simple reason: The R9 M290 is a midrange GPU from 2012 boxing way, way out of its weight class on this one. Despite the term, 5K is not 25% more pixels than 4K — it’s almost two times as many pixels.
Not even dual GTX 980s in SLI could drive 60-fps high-detail gaming on that kind of rig. And that means there’s no chance any AMD mobile GPU — even if the R9 M295 is a Tonga implementation — is going to be able to do it either.


2014 new arraival 47 inch PC inside new technology in computer hardware

Windows 10 is great – but it won’t stop the PC from dying and taking Microsoft with it

Windows 10 Technical Preview, turquoise wallpaper and Start menu

I’ve now been using Windows 10 for a month, and though it’s still just an early version with lots of rough edges, I’m convinced that it’s going to be a solid desktop operating system for the world’s billion-odd mouse-and-keyboard users — when they finally decide to upgrade from Windows 7 or XP, anyway. It has been slowly dawning on me, however, that Windows 10 is a lost cause; even in a best-case scenario where Microsoft delivers the finest desktop OS to ever grace humankind, there’s no getting around the found that Windows 10 is an attempt to revivify a slowly dying beast. While there’s always a chance that Windows 10 triggers some kind of renaissance, it’s far more likely that it will be squished into ignominious oblivion by the stumbling, apathetic, and commoditized beast that the desktop PC has become.
If you’re old enough, cast your mind back to 1995 and the imminent release of Windows 95. The excitement that surrounded Windows 95 was a palpable, global phenomenon — driven partly by insane marketing stunts, but also people were earnestly excited by the idea of a new, colorful, plug-and-play desktop OS. The fanfare that surrounded the release of Windows 95 was only ever matched (or perhaps beaten) by one other desktop OS: Windows XP. Windows XP coincided with the PC industry’s (and Microsoft’s) boom years in the mid-2000s, a period of massive growth that ultimately ended with the release of the iPhone and the popularization of cheap smartphones and tablets.
Windows 95 desktop
It’s hard to overstate just how excited the world was for Windows 95
Since the mid-to-late 2000s, the PC industry has mostly been treading water or steadily declining, while smartphones and tablets have enjoyed disgusting levels of success that are way, way beyond peak PC. In 2013, global smartphone shipments — not all cellphones, just smartphones — exceeded 1 billion units. PC shipments maxed out at around 350 million per year in 2010, and are now starting to decline quite rapidly.
By the time that Windows 10 comes out in mid-2015, who knows how low new PC sales will be — and of course, after the debacle of Windows 8 and the negative sentiment that it engendered, Windows PC stalwarts might be inclined to buy a Mac instead, or join the smartphone/tablet revolution. (And indeed, it says a lot that, while the PC industry has slumped over the last few years, Apple’s Mac division has enjoyed strong growth over the last few years.)
Google search trends for Windows 7 (blue), Windows 8 (yellow), and Android (red)
Google search trends for Windows 7 (blue), Windows 8 (yellow), and Android (red)
In short, the desktop PC is in trouble — and by association, so is Windows 10. Windows 10 might be the best mouse-and-keyboard OS ever made — but we’re not living in the ’90s or early 2000s any more, and the phrase best mouse and keyboard OS ever made just doesn’t generate the same amount of excitement that it once did.
This, I think, will be Windows 10’s undoing. Gone are the days of big, flashy OS releases. The annual releases of Android and iOS haven’t quite conditioned us to be completely oblivious and underwhelmed by operating systems, but they have certainly taught us that OSes are ultimately just tools to help us get stuff done. The regular, low-key releases of the mobile OSes has also taught us that paying for an operating system — or doing something crazy, like queuing around the block at midnight to get a boxed copy — is just not the done thing any more. For Apple and Google, which make their money from hardware and advertising respectively, this downplaying of the OS has worked out just fine — for Microsoft, which based its entire empire on sales of Windows licenses, this is a problem.


15 Hot New Technologies That Will Change Everything

The Next Big thing? The memristor, a microscopic component that can "remember" electrical states even when turned off. It's expected to be far cheaper and faster than flash storage. A theoretical concept since 1971, it has now been built in labs and is already starting to revolutionize everything we know about computing, possibly making flash memory, RAM, and even hard drives obsolete within a decade.
The memristor is just one of the incredible technological advances sending shock waves through the world of computing. Other innovations in the works are more down-to-earth, but they also carry watershed significance. From the technologies that finally make paperless offices a reality to those that deliver wireless power, these advances should make your humble PC a far different beast come the turn of the decade.
In the following sections, we outline the basics of 15 upcoming technologies, with predictions on what may come of them. Some are breathing down our necks; some advances are still just out of reach. And all have to be reckoned with.
